
Saturday, 31 March 2012

List of tricky shots we will use in our film

These are a smaple of cinema tography which we will use in our film.

Pan is the turning of the camera horizontally on a vertical axis left to right or right to left. We will use this in our title sequence when Amy is walking through the woods.

Dollying or tracking movement follows the charcter on a track movement. we will use dollying when Amy is walking throught the woods

Point of view of the characters veiws gives the audiebce an insight of what the character can see. We will use P.O.V during our title sequence when we see Amy looks up to the tree.

filming techniques camera movement and sound

fixed frame shot 
This is where the camera remains focused in one area, the characters come into the shot. we will use this in our film when Amy and the bullies first enter in this scene.

Here is a link to this youtube video. We could not for some reason embed this video through our blog.

Friday, 30 March 2012

James character costume and props

costume                       pumps

                                                  This will be part of the costume for James


                                                 This will be part of  the costume for James


                                                This will be part of the costume for James

props                       school bag

              This prop will be used in the scene where james is walking to school/college with Amy

Treatment 1 ( 2 minutes)

Treatment 2 minutes



15+ mainly the people who are into the genre of thrillers. This film will mainly attract a young audience. This film will aware the audience of the situation of bullying in young people today. The film will mainly address the female audience this is because women prefer thriller films compared to the male audience from the research which we did for our film. we found this from our questionnaire results that more females where into the idea of our film compared to male. The main focus age group will be between 15-25 this is because the younger audience will be more aware into the situation for bullying in the current day. We gathered this information from our questionnaire results where we had more younger people with the age years of 15-21 years of age giving us more of an interest as well as positive feedback.   


We will start with a sequenced title which will lead up to the girl (Amy) who will be the first character the audience will meet in our film. They then will be a shot of Amy as she walks round then woods to the tree in the centre of the woods where the film goes into a flashback of Amy’s life. During this 2 minutes clip we will show a series of flashbacks of her life. This will include bullying scene and a scene of close friends helping Amy through her life. Amy has a farther however he doesn’t appear much in the film as he’s always at work as a low rank officer throughout he doesn’t know about her life issues. Amy has a close friend James who stands by Amy through her life helping her to carry on. 

We will start with a title sequence of Amy walking through the woodland area. Once she confronts a tree we will see her reach into her bag. From this point we will see several flashbacks of Amy’s life. This scene will include the flashbacks will be when Amy is walking home from school when she gets addressed by these bullies here dialogue will appear when the bullies are talking to her. Amy starts running home when she arrives she checks to see if anyone has followed her, she runs inside and slams the door. The next day, will include scene a cyber-bullying scene where Amy receives texts from the bullies then Amy is walking to school when she happens to bump into James (Her friend). The final scene is where we see Amy walking up the lane to school with James. This will conclude the first 2 minutes of our film.


The use of flashbacks in our film makes it different to the current psychological thrillers compared to the films which we have looked into for research to our film. We wanted to make our film to be different to the current films in this genre. we will imply this to our film by adding a black and white mask effect to show that the film has gone back in time to tell the story.


Woodland background effects-broken branches

background music

fade in fade out

black and white mask



(Woods) Character: Amy

Director’s name

Producer’s name

Cast of the film

production logo name

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Title sequence analysis (The Game)

Here, I have analysed the title sequence from a Psychological thriller. This being The Game. To begin with, we see a puzzle in the background, this gives the viewer an idea into what the film is about. This suggesting that the film is possibly one of puzzled relationships and lives. The sequence also uses the effect of a home made movie. This shows presumably a father and his son. You can see that they appear in the sequence a lot. This suggests that they are key characters and that something is significant regarding their relationship. This conveys and fits with the Psychological thriller genre as it shows various peoples lives and focuses on them in detail. Our film will also look into characters lives in detail so that the viewer understands the story and whats happening.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Group 18 Location recongnisance record

location recognisance record sheet
Here we have identified the location of set where we will film our (2minutes) film

Friday, 23 March 2012

individual title sequences analysed

title sequence taxi driver

the title sequence starts with a series of titles. (An external shot outside the taxi) a long shot of the smoke coming from the front of the taxi. Then the camera cuts into a close up of the taxi as it sets off. The camera passes down the side of he taxi. Then the credits start with the film name first.( internal shots) Once the titles finish we see a close up of the mans face. At this point the mans face goes from light to dark this is to show a hidden side to the character. Then a red light appears on his face this shows danger in a close up. We then see a P.O.V shot from the mans eyes looking through  the front window. here we continoue looking through the window this is when we see a long shot of the street as the titles start once agian.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Title sequence analysis

Here is the title sequence from the psychological thriller 'Black Swan'. The title sequence sticks to the theme of a traditional psychological thriller in the sense that it plays very eery music which holds a lot of suspense. Unlike most films the title sequence is not alongside any video footage and is quiet simply just writing and an animation of what seems to be spikes/thorns, however it is not clear what they are which holds even more suspense. It sticks to the colour theme of black, white and red which helps show the dullness and weirdness of the film by not using bright colours.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

questionnaire results review

We sent out our questionnaire to many audiences through both paper questionnaire and online through social networking sites.

From the results that we recieved from the audience were mixed responces however they all were helpful towards our final decisions. Some responses help us make the film to the audiences needs. Many people liked the idea of our film and they stated that they wanted to read more. We have had an overall variety of response from our audience which will be helpful for us throughout the making of our film. From these results we have made some minor changes so that we stand out from the current films in our genre. From these results we can see that we have more responses from the younger target audience of the ages of 16-17. we also found out that we had 80% of female response so from this we know we will be targeting a young female audience. we also found out that more people from yorkshire were interested in the film idea. 60% of the people that anwsered our questionnaire guessed that our film was going to come under the psychological thriller genre. Everyone who anwsered our questionnaire wanted to see more about the film. finally from the sample of people who anwsered our questionnaire we found out that most people put the film under the age certificate 15+ which happens to be correct.

here are  a sample of the results from the questionnaire i created:

Summary See complete responses

People may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may add up to more than 100%.
east midlands20%
east of Endland0%
Greater london0%
North East England0%
North West England0%
South East England0%
South West England0%
West Midlands0%
What films do you watch?
chick flims & comedyscomedy and horrorthrillers adventure
Where do you watch films?
friends home0%
what do you think of our storyline?
They fall in love
it sounds good.. i want to know more from reading this.
it sounds great, i cant wait to see it
 it sounds very good, it fits the genre perfectly!!!!
this sounds like a great idea, cant wait to see the film!!!
What Genre do you think it is?
psychological thriller60%
would you consider to watch our film?
What certificate would you give our film? why?
15+ this film sounds to fit this certificate well the reason for this is that it doesnt sound as if it has lots of violence but mild violence
15+ seems to be mild violence and no major use of bad language
 15+ it has to be a 15 because it involves mild violence however not enough so that it would be a 18

Friday, 16 March 2012

Treatment 2

  CONSEQUENCES  90 minutes

This film takes on insight into the life of a bullied person. It is a film made to make people aware of the effects of bulling and show how people’s actions affect other people both physically and emotionally.

At just the age of fifteen Amy Smith finds herself facing one of the most toughest questions. After moving to a new town Amy instantly doesn't fit in and finds herself meeting with the school bullies. Day after day after suffers countless amounts of name calling, little tricks being played on her and her securities being laughed at. One day when things get too much for Amy, when she really needs someone to talk to, she comes home to an empty house. No father. No nothing. This is when she realises that there is not much left for her, that she can't truly carry on with things the way they are. No one should have to face these problems, especially on their own. Standing there against the tree Amy starts having several flashbacks.
  • walking home from school, one bully catches up with her and threatens her.
  • sat in class on her own and all the other pupils are name calling and throwing stuff at her (chewing gum in her hair, pens, etc)
  • she gets pushed over at school.
  • she is self-harming and her dad doesn't even pay attention as he is too busy with work.
  • people are stopping people like James from talking to her and convincing him not to.
  • people constantly giggle and whisper as she is walking past and make her feel intimidated.

We have chosen to make our film a fifteen. This is because it is going hold some violence however it won't concentrate on pain and suffering and also hold some strong language. Also due to the film being around suicide the film cannot be lower than a fifteen.

What is a title sequence

A title sequence is a method used in films and TV programs to present their title. With both utilising visuals and sounds  It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits, which are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed text.


since the invention of cinematography, simple  title cards were used to top and tail silent film presentations in order to identify both the film and the production company involved, and to act as a signal that the film had started and then finished. In silent cinema title cards were used throughout to convey dialogue and plot and it is in some of these early short films that we see the first examples of title sequences themselves, being quite literally a series of title cards shown at the beginning of a film. The arrival of sound did little to alter the convention except that the sequence was usually accompanied by a musical prelude until recent years.

title sequence examples

these links are all from WWW.ARTOFTHETITLE.COM

Here, I have analysed the title sequence of a psychological thriller (Se7en) as it is in the same category as our film. The sequence uses a lot of close up shots to give detail to the viewer so that they follow it clearly. The titles themselves 'flash' up on the screen to convey the films theme of fear and horror. The fast pace between the shots gives the sequence pace and also by doing this, more information can be contained. Also, the fact that we never see anyones face in the sequence adds suspense and mystery, which also fits in with the genre. Within our 2 minute sequence we could use the idea of close-ups, to give the viewer an in-depth knowledge of whats happening or what is to happen. Also, we could use a similar effect when switching between shots to give the film fluidity and to also make the viewer aware that something significant is to happen.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Costume for Amy

For Amy's outfit she needed to be wearing something which would be worn as school uniform, however due to the home that she comes from, she is unable to buy the school uniform so has to make do with clothes that she already has.

A black skirt.

A plain light grey t-shirt.

A pair of plain black tights.

A pair of blue suede brouges.

A dark grey hooded jacket.

Script consequences


Props for Amy

This will be used in the first scene, where she is walking through the woods, she will take it out of her rucksack and use it to hang herself. However in the title sequence we will only see her put it over the tree. 

This will be used in all scenes. She will use it for going to the woods and also for school.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Character Profiles

NAME - Amy Smith
AGE - Fifteen
HOBBIES - Listening to music, drawing and reading
THEIR STORY - Doesn't have a mother, father always working and trying his best to keep a roof over their heads. Doesn't have friends and hates the world. People class her as being 'different'.

NAME - Ian Smith (father)
AGE - Fourty Five
OCCUPATION - Low ranked officer
HOBBIES - His job
THEIR STORY - Hasn't got much time for leisure, too busy working. Hasn't got time for a partner / to meet one. Rarely gets to see Amy due to work and her being at school. Totally unaware of the bullying situation.

NAME - James Howard
AGE - sixteen
OCCUPATION - Student (sixth form)
HOBBIES - Listening to music, playing guitar and playing football.
THEIR STORY - He comes from a working class family, notices Amy being bullied and tries to be-friend her.


NAME - John Barrett
AGE - Fifteen
HOBBIES - Playing and watching football.
THEIR STORYHe comes from quiet a working class background, his parents don't really pay much attention to him, which could explain some of his behaviour.

NAME Steven Cooper
AGE - Fifteen

In the first two minute of our film the character that will be seen are:
Amy Smith, James Howard, John Barrett and Steven Cooper.

psychological thriller top 15
These are films in our chosen genre. top 15.

These films are typical of our genre. The clips on this video and the website all tell the audience about a life story of the charcter or characters. they incorporate elements from drama and mystery. This comes from films such as godfarther and the usual suspects all these films all focus heavily into characters lifes. The genre psychological thriller mainly focuses into the day to day life of a character. This is typical of this genre.

we as a group viewed these films clips and websites to gain ideas for our own film. our film comes into the genre psychological thriller as we go into a detailed perspective of the characters life into elements of drama. Our film will focus around the charcters Amy who is a lonely school girl. Amy does not have any close friends or family figure that stand by her on James who is a freind of Amy's.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

title sequences comparison

title sequences
The usual suspects sequence is really simple but unique to the film. They use a series of effects on the water which creates a mood for the film. Throughout the music fits well with the sequence which adds to the effect of the water and the darkness in the background.

The woods title sequence uses a variety of effects to create a mood for the film. The opening title of the woods sequence is again simple but looks great and also fits well in this title sequence.They use a series of camera shots ( long shots and medium shots) to catch the character as he is running away. Here they use camera effects to catch the creepy background setting.

These film sequence's all have potential to our ideas for our film sequence. Both film sequences use inspiring techniques to create a mood of whats to come in the film. We want to create something on the lines of the current sequences for thriller films but we want to be unique with ours so that it stands out from the current sequences.