
Friday 30 March 2012

Treatment 1 ( 2 minutes)

Treatment 2 minutes



15+ mainly the people who are into the genre of thrillers. This film will mainly attract a young audience. This film will aware the audience of the situation of bullying in young people today. The film will mainly address the female audience this is because women prefer thriller films compared to the male audience from the research which we did for our film. we found this from our questionnaire results that more females where into the idea of our film compared to male. The main focus age group will be between 15-25 this is because the younger audience will be more aware into the situation for bullying in the current day. We gathered this information from our questionnaire results where we had more younger people with the age years of 15-21 years of age giving us more of an interest as well as positive feedback.   


We will start with a sequenced title which will lead up to the girl (Amy) who will be the first character the audience will meet in our film. They then will be a shot of Amy as she walks round then woods to the tree in the centre of the woods where the film goes into a flashback of Amy’s life. During this 2 minutes clip we will show a series of flashbacks of her life. This will include bullying scene and a scene of close friends helping Amy through her life. Amy has a farther however he doesn’t appear much in the film as he’s always at work as a low rank officer throughout he doesn’t know about her life issues. Amy has a close friend James who stands by Amy through her life helping her to carry on. 

We will start with a title sequence of Amy walking through the woodland area. Once she confronts a tree we will see her reach into her bag. From this point we will see several flashbacks of Amy’s life. This scene will include the flashbacks will be when Amy is walking home from school when she gets addressed by these bullies here dialogue will appear when the bullies are talking to her. Amy starts running home when she arrives she checks to see if anyone has followed her, she runs inside and slams the door. The next day, will include scene a cyber-bullying scene where Amy receives texts from the bullies then Amy is walking to school when she happens to bump into James (Her friend). The final scene is where we see Amy walking up the lane to school with James. This will conclude the first 2 minutes of our film.


The use of flashbacks in our film makes it different to the current psychological thrillers compared to the films which we have looked into for research to our film. We wanted to make our film to be different to the current films in this genre. we will imply this to our film by adding a black and white mask effect to show that the film has gone back in time to tell the story.


Woodland background effects-broken branches

background music

fade in fade out

black and white mask



(Woods) Character: Amy

Director’s name

Producer’s name

Cast of the film

production logo name

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