
Wednesday 15 February 2012

first 15 minutes film analysis

the film in which i have chosen to analyse is an English film kes the reason for this is that the Genre of our choosing was difficult to get hold of the films in which we researched into for our film ideas. However this film is smiler to ours in a way in which characters are heavily involved throughout. also this film is a low budget film just like ours.

we start with a medium shot of the boy laid in bed as he wakes up as the alarm clock goes off. the camera remains still focusing on the two characters as the conversation takes place over the first 2 minute. Then a cut edit to the character as he is about to leave the room the camera then tilts downwards to capture billy as he turns of the light. the camera then pans across the room following billy As he gets back into bed. It is here where the titles start to appear we are addressed with music non diegetic sound. the camera stays still focusing through the window outside the house. we then cut to a we then cut to a close up of Billy as he exists the house, here the camera pans down the garden focusing on Billy. As Billy leaves the garden he begins to run here the camera begins to track Billy as her begins to run down the street. The camera then stops and Billy continues to run from a medium shot to a long shot. Here the cut is in place to establish the scene when we see a extreme long shot of Billy running up the hill. The camera then pans left following Billy as he continues to run. Back to a tracking shot of Billy running down the street. here a passage of time takes place this is achieved by showing a car as it passes the front of the camera then to Billy as he continues running. the camera then pans as Billy comes to the front of the paper shop. Here the camera cuts to the inside of the shop and the camera pans in a medium shot to the boy picking up his newspaper bag. Here the camera heavily focusing on the boys actions as waits for the customers to leave the shop. similar to our film in the way that they focus heavily in Billy's character like we do in our film following the life of Amy. The camera pans down the street as the boy delivers the papers. Shot reverse shot appears shortly after between the boy and the milk man as the boy picks up the milk and eggs from the can here the tension rises so the edits speed up. the camera then follows the boy as he sits down in the grass the camera tilts. here a cut to a extreme long shot to establish the scene of the mining pit top. As the boy reads the comic book we see a P.O.V in a close up of each section this continues for several minutes.

throughout this first 15 minutes of the film the character Billy is presented as a weak character who is not trust worthy we see this from the dialogue between the shop keeper and the teacher as they speak to Billy. Billy throughout plays a weak character who is an easy target for other people to look down on.

This film is similar to our film in the way in which this film presents the character Billy to be weak and vulnerable. Also this is similar because throughout both films concentrate on a character life.

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